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Degree work for the month of July
Meals for Degrees and Stated Meeting Begin at 6:00 PM

7/2 - Stated Meeting

Tuesday, July 2nd
Meal at 6:00 PM & Meeting to Follow

7/9 - Entered Apprentice Degrees

Tuesday, July 9th
Meal at 6:00 PM & Degree to Follow

7/16 - Official Visit

Tuesday, July 16th
Meal at 6:00 PM & Meeting to Follow

7/20 - Master Mason Degree

Saturday, July 20th
Meal at 6:00 PM & Degree to Follow

7/23 - Practice

Tuesday, July 23rd
Practice at 7:00 PM

7/30 - Practice

Tuesday, July 30th
Practice at 7:00 PM

8/6 - Stated Meeting

Tuesday, August 6th
Meal at 6:00 PM & Meeting to Follow

Lodge News

The Grand Lodge recently requested each lodge to verify ownership of their property. A search of KGIS and Knox County records found that Bright Hope was granted deed to our property on Sept. 3, 1911. The original lodge was built in 1913 and the rear addition (dining hall/Frizzell Room) in 1953. The current front section replaced the original lodge building in 1959. It is exciting to know that we have been a part of the Fountain City community, in our present location, for well over a century. We look forward to being an active member of Fountain City and North Knoxville for many years to come.

District 20 News

The District 20 Lodge Officer's Association will meet for the month of June at Mascot Lodge #738 on June 19th.
Meal at 6:00 PM & Meeting to Follow. All Lodge Officers are Encouraged to Attend!


Bright Hope History

Recently, while searching through the records of Bright Hope Lodge, a copy of bylaws was found dated 1905.  These bylaws had been submitted for consideration by the Lodge, by a committee of Bros. JW Drummond, SL Tillery, and WM French, and were subsequently approved.  Included in the copy were handwritten changes and comments.

Below are some clauses from these bylaws; italics and notes have been added for clarity:

Article 1. Stated Meetings. The stated meetings of this Lodge shall be held on the Tuesday night on or before the full moon.  From the 1st of April to the 1st of October the Lodge shall be opened at 7:30 and at 7:00 during the remainder of the year.”

  Note: this was changed from the “third Tuesday of the month”

Article 2. Officers and Elections. Sec. 3. No person shall be Office of W.M. for more than two successive terms.”

Note: written comment states, “9 for op[posed] 3”

Article 9. Each member shall pay annually the sum of two dollars into the funds of the Lodge, at or before the stated meeting in December.”

Note: the original article set the dues at “two dollars and fifty cents,” and a written comment states this passed, “12 for 0 against”

Masonic Temple - Fountain City 5400 North Broadway Street
Knoxville, TN 37918-3240